were arrested in North East Delhi after police found them driving recklessly with a police siren. The vehicle contained a loaded pistol, a Chinese axe, and other weapons. The group claimed they ...
A gym owner and his friends were arrested after police intercepted their vehicle, which was equipped with a police siren and being driven r.
The new technology aims to help patrol deputies avoid collisions with other emergency vehicles and alert other motorists on the road.
Despite the siren blazing, the light flashing and the uniformed officers, sometimes one feels "the need, the need for speed".
A gym owner and his friends were taken into custody after police stopped their vehicle, which was fitted with a police siren.
Police said an unmarked squad car was traveling with lights and sirens when it crashed with a red SUV in the intersection of 115th Street and Ashland Avenue. The three officers were transported to ...
BRATTLEBORO — A Springfield man allegedly led police on a high speed chase through Rockingham.
Three teenagers have died and a fourth man has suffered life-threatening injuries after a car hit a tree near Wakefield in ...
Maryland Heights police released new details about a chase that ended with an officer hit by a car and a teenage driver shot.
Doctor fined for obstructing ambulance, claims panicked response to siren, fined ₹5,000 by Motor Vehicles department.
When Hurk Wahl gets behind the wheel of his 1964 Ford Galaxie, he says he feels like he's in a parade or on patrol. The black-and-white police ...