Being optimistic about the future may help people save more money, and the effect appears strongest among those with lower incomes, according to new research.
She revered reason but spent her career appealing to emotion.
Materialism isn't a bad thing if objects bring you joy, such as through collecting. However, it's important to consider moderation and other related variables in context.
And while regular gamblers will be locked in on the spread, total, and player props, some markets play to the more casual ...
Being optimistic about the future may help people save more money, and the effect appears strongest among those with lower ...
Optimism isn't just good for mental health — it could boost your bank account, too. Research across multiple countries found that people with an optimistic outlook tend to save more, with the effect ...
Pleasant activities are more enjoyable when we think about them. Small moments of pleasure can be combined to build a sense ...
Flirting is an art that many find elusive. While some seem to exude charisma effortlessly, others struggle to make the right ...
A White House directive to pause federal grants and loans has raised uncertainty for many universities, states and nonprofit ...
Emotional spending can derail even the most well-intentioned financial plans. By understanding the psychological triggers and ...
We at Planet Money are constantly reading the work of economists and other social scientists to glean ideas, evidence and ...
One of the utopian ideas that surfaces from time to pie-in-the-sky time is that of the universal basic income or UBI.