Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” But how daring are you really living this adventure called life?
Florida is such an exciting place to live. Alligators lurk in any body of water that’s bigger than a puddle. In cold weather, ...
The appellant Vedanta Ltd. , was earlier known as Sesa Goa Ltd. Subsequent to by changing the name of „ Sesa Goa Ltd.‟, the ...
Solar farms are destroying productive North Carolina farmland. It takes a lot of acreage for a solar farm. Landowners are lured by the promise of a quick buck, three to four times more than ...
I wrote to The Sentinel soon after Nov. 5 that I was despondent based on the results of the election. I remain despondent, and I am now extremely alarmed by what is occurring during the transition ...
Please purchase a Premium Subscription to continue reading. To continue, please log in, or sign up for a new account. We offer one free story view per month. If you ...
This is about government over-spending and the ripple effect it has on mainstream Americans, not about people going on strike. I've never seen government fix a problem. It always gets worse over ...
I am certain that all/many/some/only Republican/only Magatoid/currently comatose Lib-Dem/ and all the animals in all the zoos in the United States are looking forward to Inauguration Day this year ...
We are new to Davenport, moving from Illinois. I lived here 30 years ago and thought it was a good place to live. Not so much today. How in the world did this city make the list for a good city to ...
The GOP has to keep up the pressure in the House and Senate. They can only do that by fixing all that the Biden administration and the too-long-in-office Senate and Congress have broken.
On behalf of the officers and board of directors of the Foster Kids of the Merrimack Valley, I say thank you. With so many families experiencing financial difficulties themselves, it was evident ...
To the Editor: Daryl D’Angelo’s op-ed titled “Being a nation of immigrants makes America great” made me think of the TV show Blue Bloods. Many episodes bring up the police tactic of stop ...