An anime based on Ghost of Tsushima: Legends is currently in the works, with the series set for a 2027 release. The ...
Burrow opted for something more unique -- genuine samurai swords ... features horses carved into the handle. The letter that accompanied the sword detailed the blade and handle's creation.
A samurai sword owner threatened to “chop” a woman’s head off and set fire to his former partner’s home, less than two years ...
If you never browsed the hidden gems of Williams Sonoma’s Japanese collection, we’re here to let that secret out. A few ...
From "Doctor Who" to "Dollhouse," these are the series that told their greatest TV stories in worlds far away from our own.
There’s the adaptable Kensei, a solid all-round samurai warrior who decimates their foes with a nodachi sword; or the Orochi ... all while trying to handle diplomatic conundrums and quell ...
Solo Camping for Two manga will receive an anime adaptation. The anime adaptation will be released sometime in July 2025.
Most people understand the pain that comes with leaving a phone, wallet or umbrella behind on-board public transit and the ...
In the Edo period, the town produced woven cords for samurai to bind sword handles. It then switched to producing split-toe “tabi” socks and, later, school uniforms. Now denim from Kojima is used by ...