While he did not reveal the cause of the situation, he responded to his selfies going viral on social media by writing: "I look like Shrek, wtf." On January 29, 2025, Fanum hosted a livestream and ...
Hilariously, he compared himself to Shrek. The streamer wrote: The streamer has not provided any updates yet, leaving it unclear whether he consumed something he shouldn't have. Those familiar ...
BRATISLAVA - V lokalite Šifrová v Národnom parku Nízke Tatry, kde ešte prežíva ohrozený hlucháň hôrny, vyrúbali okolo 200-ročné stromy. Informuje o tom občianska iniciatíva My sme les. Upozornil ich ...
Fans can expect to see Diaz again soon, though. She’s slated to voice Princess Fiona again in Shrek 5 in 2026 and star in a Jonah Hill project, co-starring Keanu Reeves, called Outcome.