The Shrek movie universe is a fantastical and comedic world filled with fairy tale characters and charmingly quirky inhabitants. It centers around the lovable ogre Shrek, his feisty princess ...
While he did not reveal the cause of the situation, he responded to his selfies going viral on social media by writing: "I look like Shrek, wtf." On January 29, 2025, Fanum hosted a livestream and ...
Hilariously, he compared himself to Shrek. The streamer wrote: The streamer has not provided any updates yet, leaving it unclear whether he consumed something he shouldn't have. Those familiar ...
BRATISLAVA - V lokalite Šifrová v Národnom parku Nízke Tatry, kde ešte prežíva ohrozený hlucháň hôrny, vyrúbali okolo 200-ročné stromy. Informuje o tom občianska iniciatíva My sme les. Upozornil ich ...
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