Part of Thetford Forest should be turned into a solar farm to stop Norfolk agricultural land being covered with panels, say senior councillors.
Under the proposals put out for consultation all private landlords will have to meet the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) C standards.
Despite pulling back from a total freeze on federal funding, the Trump administration is still blocking tens of millions of ...
Octopus Energy has issued a warning to UK households with outdated electricity meters to act now or face being cut off.
For example, energy and auto industries will be feeling the heat. And because Mexico and China are big players when it comes ...
US cybersecurity company Fortinet opens its $75m data centre and Sydney headquarters on Friday, after the company more than ...
Talking up fossil fuels and dumping on solar may make for good politics with the folks in rural Virginia. That doesn’t mean ...
The 'hot Neptune' planet, named LTT 9779b, is so scorching that its atmosphere should have evaporated, according to ...
The early stages of a scheme for a potential solar farm just a mile from Haverfordwest has been submitted to county planners ...
If the thought of any planet going retrograde causes you to steel yourself for a surge of frustration, crossed wires and challenges galore, you're far from alone. But one of the coolest things about ...
Maintaining Quality in Composites Prep for Strong Bonds . Bond failures can have severe consequences for manufacturers, ...