All the colonies around the world had to pay the highest price for liberating themselves from the shackles of colonisation.
Italy’s Five Star Movement was long a classic “populist” movement, rejecting ideological labels. Its recent decision to join ...
As the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) licks its wounds after the Delhi drubbing, its now-expelled co-founder and lawyer Prashant ...
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev issued a series of reforms and the Communist Party gave up its 70-year monopoly of political power in the Soviet Union.
Out of necessity, then, the National Socialists had to derive most of their financing via membership fees, storm troopers ...
Malaysia is the latest nation to tap blockchain for a new blockchain platform that resembles China's social credit system.
The WSWS rejects Alex Steiner's dishonest and evasive explanation of his decision to post false information provided by an ...
In Wednesday’s Daily Take I mentioned Russell Kirk and the origins of today’s hard right GOP. A few people replied with, “Who ...
“Five years later, Orwell published an essay called ‘Looking Back on the Spanish War,’ in which he states, ‘War is evil, and ...
The spy novelist Robert Littell spins a yarn based on socialist revolutionary Leon Trotsky’s brief 1917 sojourn in New York City.
Slavoj Zizek, the Slovenian philosopher known for his eclectic blend of psychoanalysis, Marxism, and cultural critique, ...
The Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste Révolutionnaires ( NPA-R) in France has its first congress on 31 January to 2 February. In ...