The Movie has brought the beloved Nickelodeon show back in a new form and given a fresh spin to this superhero universe.
Whether they come from Dark Horse, IDW, or just the mind of a visionary director, these are the best superhero movies that ...
Eight of the 19 biggest movies in history at the worldwide box office are superhero movies. These titles have proven ...
At the same time, movies like Megamind and Kick-Ass were providing fun twists on the genre's already long-established tropes. However, while there were plenty of superhero movies released during ...
The reboot of the superhero comedy horror film The Toxic Avenger will now officially hit cinemas this year, despite previous ...
Our pick for the one Amazon Prime Video movie you need to watch in January is a Ben Stiller comedy that set the table for the ...
Asking MCU fans to agree on the best Marvel movies is the quickest way to start a fight in a cinema. Trust us, we’ve spent hours ranking all the MCU movies from worst to best and it gets harder ...
It took far too long, but a cult classic superhero movie is finally getting the big screen treatment he deserves.
Those who are looking for something bizarre and out of the ordinary from the superhero movie will likely get just what they are looking for with The Toxic Avenger. Jason Wiese writes feature ...