The Gordie Howe Bridge is amazing engineering ... But it doesn't look very good as it currently is, and I assume they are not ...
Sorry, kids — welcome to the age of fear; unless you constantly appease.
The rules of law are being willfully disregarded Today I received an email from Defense for Children International-Palestine. Israeli forces fatally shot 2-year-old Laila Mohammad Ayman Khatib in a ...
Five beautiful young ladies will grace the stage tonight and compete in the 2025 Miss OECS Pageant, at the Windsor Park ...
It’s always a smart move to call your insurance company to find out exactly what will be covered and what your responsibility ...
After four years, our long national nightmare is now over. America’s experiment with progressive socialism is now over. Let’s never repeat this error.
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but it helps if the object of your gaze is symmetrical. Studies show humans associate symmetry with attractivenes ...
When it comes to prompting people to call 911 at the first sign of stroke, both F.A.S.T. and BE-FAST stroke warning signs acronyms were equally effective. However, people remembered the key stroke ...
Both F.A.S.T. and BE-FAST acronyms motivated people to call 911 right away for a possible stroke, and this impact lasted for 30 days.
I don’t know what the future holds for America now that Trump is president, but whatever injustice he inflicts, it will largely be the fault of those voters that ignored the lessons of history and the ...
The scale of the latest cuts is greater than anticipated and underscores a major challenge for Sonoma State — plotting its ...
AMH is an independent media house free from political ties or outside influence. We have four newspapers: The Zimbabwe Independent, a business weekly published every Friday, The Standard, a weekly ...