Actress Samyuktha Menon visited Lord Venkateswara Temple in Andhra Pradesh on Tuesday. On the same day, singer Mangli was also spotted at the temple offering her prayers at Tirumala Temple.
Various opposition parties, including the YSRCP, criticized the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) for a security lapse after a group of devotees from Tamil Nadu were caught eating egg biryani ...
Given the large number of devotees from Karnataka who visit the Lord Venkateswara Temple in Tirumala, Andhra Pradesh, the Karnataka government is constructing an expansive pilgrim amenities ...
A group of Tamil Nadu-based devotees were caught eating egg biryani on the sacred hills of Tirumala, leading to an outrage on social media. The local police warned the devotees for violating the ...
Trending Photos Tirumala: Actress Samyuktha Menon visited Lord Venkateswara Temple in Andhra Pradesh on Tuesday. On the same day, singer Mangli was also spotted at the temple offering her prayers at ...
In a wave of piety and tradition, several South Indian film personalities, including actress Ashwini Sri, have marked their presence at the Sri Venkateswara Swamy Temple in Tirumala. Known for ...
Experts like Venkateswara Kancharla are promoting the use of intelligent systems for simplifying clinical workflows. With over 20 years of experience in the field, Venkateswara Kancharla has been ...
The group of 30 devotees had traveled to Tirumala from Gummadipudi village near Tiruvallur. They were carrying their own lunch, which included egg biryani. Vigilance officers noticed the devotees ...
Sircilla: In a record of sorts, Thyagaraja Aradhana Utsavalu has been celebrated at Sri Vemulawada Rajarajeswara Swamy Temple, known as Dakshina Kashi, for the past 72 years continuously.