Reports by Russian pro-war Telegram channels have echoed the statement, saying that a new Kyiv offensive is underway. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Russian troops repelled two ...
This comes as Donald Trump said he is going to meet Russian president Vladimir Putin “very quickly” to discuss ending the war in Ukraine. His comments coincide with Nato chief Mark Rutte‘s ...
The goddess's body was not fully revealed in Greek art, however, until about 350 B.C., when a sensational cult statue in her temple at Knidos (in present-day Turkey), carved by the sculptor Praxiteles ...
He was the tall, handsome and fearless RAF war hero who won three medals for shooting ... But despite being madly in love with each other, Group Captain Peter Townsend and Princess Margaret's ...
Alexey Kondakov, Green Light, 2020 Another Art Shield-supported project with a uniquely creative premise is Deocoupage. It began in the Ukrainian town of Izium, which was overrun very early in the war ...
Inside a six-month Times investigation. By Sanjana Varghese I’m a reporter on the Visual Investigations team. Sudan’s military and a powerful paramilitary — both armed by foreign powers ...
Russia's unconventional attacks against NATO "look like war" and allies must set new red lines that will trigger a retaliation if crossed, a former foreign minister has warned. Gabrielius ...
Russia and Ukraine have exchanged hundreds of prisoners of war in a deal brokered by the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The Russian defence ministry said it had swapped 150 Ukrainian soldiers held ...