The optimal window to market old crop grain is getting smaller. Iowa Farm Bureau Farmer Education Program Manager Zach ...
By TAMMIE SLOUP FarmWeek For fourth generation rice, corn and soybean farmer Jennifer James, last year was her family’s most financially difficult year. The Arkansas farmer is even more ...
USDA is raising its estimated average farm-gate price for the 2024 corn crop by 10 cents to $4.35 a bushel, while shaving the expected price for soybeans by 10 cents to $10.10 a bushel.
Hershey’s said it buys cocoa nearly a year in advance, so the cost at the store this Valentine’s Day won’t reflect today’s ...
Since the weather was uncooperative, fall harvest was delayed. “We finished harvesting soybeans last night,” Tom Haag said Friday. “And the problem we ran into on our soybeans this year ...
The six factors work together in the field. The resulting synergy contributes to higher yields and, ultimately, more beans in the bin.
Arkansas agriculture will receive $286.2 million in assistance from the American Relief Act, with Mississippi County being the top recipient, according to an analysis by the Rural & Farm Finance ...
20-03-2023 10:51 Buenos Aires Grain Exchange slashes soy crop forecast to 25 million metric tons, potentially the smallest harvest since it began keeping records in 2001.
1 Department of Animal Biotechnology, Dankook University, Cheonan, Republic of Korea 2 Smart Animal Bio Institute, Dankook University, Cheonan, Republic of Korea Objective: This study evaluated the ...
An earlier harvest has also allowed those early planters to prepare ... and John Carlin, director of the Arkansas Crop Variety Improvement Program. Henry Nguyen and Grover Shannon of the University of ...
In recent years, there has been a shift towards earlier soybean planting in Illinois. Earlier planting increases yield potential because a longer growing season gives plants more time to ...
Each year the Grow for the Green Soybean Yield Challenge recognizes and rewards Arkansas’top soybean producers. This year several Clay County farmers where among those… ...