Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has said that the state exported goods worth USD 92.8 million to Japan in 2023-24 and expressed hope for important investments from Japan in Madhya Pradesh.
Director Neo Sora dives into the themes of friendship and identity in his film, ‘Happyend’ which also marks his fiction film debut.
A magnitude-5.3 earthquake ... a history of being struck by megaquakes at a rate of one every 100 to 200 years. Roughly 24 hours after the magnitude-7.1 quake on Aug. 8 in Kyushu, the Japan ...
On Aug. 8, the Japan Meteorological Agency issued ... The plate boundary has a history of huge earthquakes occurring in pairs. The JMA expert panel issues a megaquake alert or advisory, or ...
Don’t worry: It’s general enough to apply to the rest of Japan. But for busy people, here’s a summary of things you should know about what to do before, during and after an earthquake in Japan.
The magnitude 7.9 Bonin Islands earthquake sequence in May 2015, which ruptured deep within the earth near the base of the ...
The Japan Meteorological Agency has a unique seismic scale called shindo that measures the degree of shaking in the event of an earthquake. This set of numbers — ranging from 0 to 7 — is ...
PARAMUS, N.J. (PIX11) — A 2.4-magnitude earthquake was recorded near Paramus, New Jersey on Friday afternoon, according to the USGS. The earthquake was recorded just after 1 p.m. at a depth of ...
An earthquake of magnitude 4.8 on the Richter Scale jolted Myanmar in the early hours of Friday, the National Center for Seismology (NCS) said. According to NCS, the magnitude 4.8 earthquake ...