Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has said that the state exported goods worth USD 92.8 million to Japan in 2023-24 and expressed hope for important investments from Japan in Madhya Pradesh.
Dating key tectonic events in Japan's geological history has long been often challenging due to poor microfossil preservation from intense heat due to metamorphism. Researchers tackled this by using ...
People lived in many parts of the Old World by then but had not yet reached Australia or the Americas. The bulk of the human ...
The magnitude 7.9 Bonin Islands earthquake sequence, which ruptured deep within the earth near the base of the upper mantle, did not include an aftershock that extended to record depths into the lower ...
Director Neo Sora dives into the themes of friendship and identity in his film, ‘Happyend’ which also marks his fiction film debut.
A lurch in the Earth’s tectonic plates can wreak havoc at any time – as we’ve just seen in Vanuatu. How do scientists measure ...
Much like any other pop culture enthusiast, Studio Ghibli fans are eager to discover the Spirited Away real life locations in ...
Welcome to January 17, a day that has witnessed remarkable events throughout history, shaping the course of nations and ...
On Jan. 17, 1995, a powerful earthquake rocked Kobe, Japan, and the surrounding area, killing about 5,500 people.
Two major tsunami that swamped the east coast have been labelled a "missed opportunities", so what do we need to change to be ...
Japan's nuclear plants faced global scrutiny after the devastating 2011 tsunami triggered by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake.