HERALBONY, which operates art and creative businesses, announced on the 31st that it has secured new funding led by WiL, with participation from M Power Partners and DG Ventures SGP Fund. Details ...
TelaAxon, an AI startup spun off from Kobe University, announced on January 29th that it has raised approximately 100 million yen in a Series A round. The round was led by existing shareholder ...
Irori, operator of the creator-focused SNS “Crafty,” announced on January 31st that it has raised approximately 200 million yen in a seed round through third-party allocation of shares ...
NearMe, a taxi-sharing service provider, announced on January 30th that it has raised funding through the “Life Design Fund,” jointly operated by AEON MALL and Ignition Point Venture ...
Enu Pharma, a biotech venture spun off from Hokkaido University, announced on January 31st that it has raised a total of 400 million yen in seed funding. The funding round, conducted in December ...
おでかけエンタメアプリ「 プラリー 」運営の ジオフラ は1月31日、西部ガスグループCVCのSGインキュベート、NOWを引受先とした第三者割当増資による資金調達を実施したと 発表した 。同社は2024年7月にも第三者割当増資による資金調達を ...
BRIDGEの会員制度「Members」に登録いただくと無料で会員限定の記事が毎月10本までお読みいただけます。また、有料の「Members Plus」の方は記事が全て読めるほか、BRIDGE HOT ...
2017年創業、個人向けサービスECプラットフォーム「 MOSH 」はコロナ禍以降、利用者数は16倍の8万人に拡大し、年間流通総額(GMV)は100億円を突破。
経営管理AIエージェント「 Zaimo.ai 」を開発するZaimoは4日、デライト・ベンチャーズとDEEPCOREを共同リード投資家として約1億円の資金調達を実施したことを公表した。ラウンドには千葉道場ファンド、East Ventures、エンジェル投資家エンジェル投資家で公認会計士の渡邉拓己氏が参画した。