I am excited to write about a movie I loved watching this year and listening to the soundtrack of it as I type. The movie received 8 Academy Award Nominations! BEST DIRECTOR - James Mangold, BEST ...
Located in Istanbul's Üsküdar district, the neighborhood of Kuzguncuk has long been populated by the city's Jewish community, though shrinking in number in recent years. The neighborhood is literally ...
I have always been interested in the history of my hometown of Antalya. In particular, elements of the city's cosmopolitan past have always deeply intrigued me. At the start of the 20th century, the ...
Hadith number 6985 of the 41 st book from the Hadith collection known as Sahih Muslim, compiled by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj native of Nishapur in modern-day eastern Iran, reads as follows: Abu Huraira ...
I am very happy. I studied for four and a half years for this book. I had listed what I wanted to know. For example, I was wondering about the defamation of Atatürk’s being an English spy. Our minds ...
The 2019 results of Kadir Has University´s ´Social and Political Trends in Turkey´ research that has been conducted for 10 years, revealing the public impulses, were announced on January 15th. The ...
The emotional and informative documentary by Movistar, 'Dokumentaryo de Movistar en Estambol' is telling about Şalom's Ladino (Judeo Espagnol) magazine 'El Amaneser', Sephardic Jews in Istanbul and ...
Millions of Turkish citizens will celebrate Republic Day today remembering the eternal words of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, "One day my mortal body will turn to dust, but the Turkish Republic will stand ...
Mısır, Ürdün, Suudi Arabistan, Katar, Filistin Yönetimi ve Arap Birliği, bu tür planların bölgesel istikrara tehdit ...
Geçtiğimiz hafta Rus roketleri, Ukrayna´nın Odessa şehrinde UNESCO tarafından koruma altında olan pek çok alana zarar verdi.
Trump´ın Arap ülkelerini ikna etme olasılığı düşük ihtimal de olsa var. Bunu Kudüs´ü İsrail´in başkenti olarak tanımasında ...