Based on the real-life experiences of a boy born with a rare disease, "The Unbreakable Boy," shot in Oklahoma, is set to arrive in theatres next month.
Captain America: Brave New World will see Anthony Mackie’s Sam Wilson, aka the Falcon, taking over the mantle of Steve Rogers. Additionally, the film will mark the debut of Harrison Ford in the MCU, ...
Brave New World writer Rob Edwards recently took to socical media to hype the film and share what he hopes the film will be ...
My mother is Jhansi ki Rani! No doubt about it. But wait … before you folks start scratching your puzzled heads, let me clear ...
Newcomers Leo Woodall and Chiwetel Ejiofor were also in attendance as the world prepares to wave goodbye to the one and only ...
Brave New World is nearing its release date, and the film has garnered immense anticipation among fans who are excited to see ...
Brave New World features a new look at Leader, the secret villain pulling the strings in the Marvel film. Tim Blake Nelson ...
Monica praised Ariana Grande for making the 'Boy Is Mine' Remake 'something of her own' instead of doing a straight sample.
British Actor Chiwetel Ejiofor who previously appeared in Love Actually spoke about his new role playing Mr. Wallaker, in ...