But on Thursday, Judge Analisa Torres sided with his accuser, granting the woman anonymity for the next stage of proceedings and slamming Spiro in the process. The woman, referred to as Jane Doe ...
New York Judge Analisa Torres has ruled that the woman who is accusing Jay-Z and Sean "Diddy" Combs of raping her when she was 13 years old can remain anonymous for now. On Thursday, Torres ruled ...
Analisis data adalah proses sistematis untuk memeriksa, membersihkan, mengubah, dan memodelkan data dengan tujuan menemukan informasi yang berguna, menginformasikan kesimpulan, dan mendukung ...
Analisa Novak is a content producer for the Emmy Award-winning "CBS Mornings." Based in Chicago, she specializes in covering live events and exclusive interviews for the show. Before coming to CBS ...