AI models are growing ever-more capable, accurate and impressive. The question of if they represent “general intelligence” is increasingly moot.
Philanthropists Arnie and Lauren Bellini donate what is the largest gift in the school’s history, hoping to turn the Tampa ...
The course is particularly beneficial for software engineers, data scientists, and AI professionals aiming to break into or advance their careers in machine learning. With machine learning becoming a ...
As AI’s footprint grows, companies must be vigilant about their ethical responsibilities, taking proactive steps to ensure ...
The president’s deregulatory bent means more responsibility rests on the shoulders of healthcare stakeholders to get ...
This article explores how humans and AI should collaborate across four different task scenarios—when to automate, augment, ...
Watermarks have the potential to become a crucial tool for trust and authenticity in the era of generative AI,” said assistant professor Yuheng Bu.
Moore’s Law was the gold standard for predicting technological progress for years. Introduced by Gordon Moore, co-founder of ...
We need more live student assessment, more emphasis on critical thinking—and less homework, William Liang writes ...
A University of Alberta professor who literally wrote the book on training AI software has received the most prestigious ...
AI innovation and governance can coexist. The key is combining public-private partnerships, market audits and accountability.
Explore the key differences between Robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML). Learn how they work, ...