Starring Nandamuri Balakrishna, Daaku Maharaaj wrapped its theatrical run with Rs 115 crore gross globally. Balayya is now gearing up for Akhanda 2.
In an exclusive chat with Zoom, Shahid Kapoor opened up about his role in Deva which will be released in theatres on January ...
James Cameron is gearing up to take audiences on an unexpected journey with ‘Avatar 3: Fires and Ash,’ promising the boldest installment yet. The legendary director, who is known for pushing cinematic ...
Entertainment Desk. Bollywood's popular actress Ananya Pandey was recently spotted at an event. During this, she was seen in a very glamorous avatar. Her photos started going viral on social media. So ...
Does Shah Rukh Khan’s Veer-Zaara inspire Prabhas' Fauji, or is it just another rumor Insiders break their silence on the film ...