India launched its first space docking mission on Monday, on an Indian-made rocket, in an attempt to become the fourth country to achieve the advanced technological feat. The mission, called Space ...
India's space agency launched its first space docking mission on an Indian-made rocket on Monday in an attempt to become the fourth country to achieve the advanced technological feat. The mission ...
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) hopes to end 2024 on a high with an exciting mission on the launch pad to test technologies that will one day be used for interplanetary and human ...
SpaceX kicked off its countdown to the New Year with the launch of the first of three planned rockets to conclude 2024. A Falcon 9 rocket carrying 22 satellites took off on Saturday from Vandenberg ...
The upcoming launches include a mission for commercial communications satellites and another batch of Starlink satellites. READ: Starliner Helium leak: Will Elon Musk’s SpaceX bring back Sunita ...
He’s on a mission. Tom Cruise is reportedly searching for an actor to play a younger version of his “Mission: Impossible” character for the next two installments of the hit action franchise.
This mission will survey the sky in near-infrared light, which is a type of light that is invisible to the naked eye but that special instruments can detect. Near-infrared light is useful for ...
Gulu district needs an additional sh312m to complete the construction of the district headquarters in Awach Town Council. Initially, the engineering department had presented a quotation of sh451m ...