Several swastikas were found in Norwich early this morning. About a half dozen swastikas were found this morning.
The juvenile gray seal recently weaned off his mother's milk and ventured five miles into the coastal Connecticut city ...
You probably saw the viral photo of a baby seal in New Haven this week, taken by the city’s Police Department. Now, you can help contribute to his return to the ocean.
A baby seal caused a lot of questions when it appeared in the middle of a Connecticut town, completely out of its natural ...
Following a lengthy hearing Thursday, lawmakers approved Gov. Lamont’s renomination of Marissa Gillett to PURA.
"When he first came in, he was pretty malnourished, and we just wanted to make sure we were giving him all the supportive care he needed," said Allie Cojocaru, an animal rescuer. "So we did tube feed ...
A New Haven man made it his mission to find out how a young gray seal ended up on a city street last weekend. Chris Ozyck ...
The Great Seal of the Realm is the chief seal of the Crown, used to show the monarch's approval of important State documents. In today's constitutional monarchy, the Sovereign acts on the advice of ...
NORWALK, Conn. (WTNH) — If you’re wondering which team might take the Lombardi Trophy at Sunday’s Super Bowl game, which marks the end of the football season, a Norwalk seal predicted the ...
One lawmaker in Connecticut is sick of the trailers and ... I still love you and your AMC ad. On January 21, a state senator proposed a bill that would mandate cinemas to include the actual ...
NYC's 'War On Rats' Heats Up As Climate Change Fuels Infestation: New Study Shows Why Climate change is fueling a surge in rat populations across major US cities, with Washington, DC, seeing the worst ...