A couple in Seneca sits down with Destiny Chance to discuss prejudice they experienced directly after schools integrated, and how they overcame obstacles to celebrate 50 years in a wedding ceremony ...
Seeing everyone in their hanboks dancing together was a scene I’ll never forget,” says bride Elizabeth Kim of her reception.
In 1922, Emily Post published the bible of American manners, “Etiquette,” devoting 33 pages to the subject of doing weddings ...
A chance encounter between Sangmie and William “Bill” Schellstede in Seoul in the 1960s led to a marriage that has endured ...
Because true love doesn't have an expiration date; it thrives in shared eternities. Love experts explain why this celebration ...
For anyone who’s been searching for signs of love in this world, there was proof of it this Valentine’s Day on the Eiffel Tower, where a couple embraced in a ...