What was once a swath of rocky land owned by Trappist monks is now a haven for wildlife as well as nature lovers ...
The Sheep Pond Road home, situated on eroding waterfront property, had lost another 10 to 20 feet of coastline since it was ...
Step through the main gate, and you’ll find yourself transported to another era. The reconstructed buildings within the fort walls offer a glimpse into life during the French colonial period. It’s ...
A map, drawn by Native American Arikara tribal leader and guide Too Né for Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, was recently ...
A local civic group formed in 2014 has been at the forefront of preserving a way of life cherished by Jamestown residents for centuries. That way of life, the sole mission of the Friends of Jamestown ...
A 3,200-square-foot colonial overlooking the water recently sold for $3.55 million, according to Mott & Chace Sotheby’s ...
Brown University transferred some 255 acres of land it owned in Bristol to a trust associated with the Pokanoket Tribe. That ...
Originally, the village of Wyoming was known as Brand's Iron Works, because the main local industry was Samuel Brand's iron foundry. That name dates back to 1757, according to some accounts, or at ...
Rhode Island may be the smallest state in the U.S., but the Ocean State packs in a lot of attractions worth seeing, from its extravagant 20th-century mansions to secluded beaches to cultural sites.
Established well before the U.S. was a country, Williamsburg offers tourists a glimpse into what life was like back during ...
Emergency workers raced on Monday to restore basic services to the French overseas territory of Mayotte, where hundreds or even thousands are feared dead from the most powerful cyclone to hit the ...
Some rates use different ages or coverage limits. Travelers has the cheapest rates for most people in Rhode Island, but Amica is the best choice for people who value great customer service. While ...