In 2023, a green comet that last visited Earth 50,000 years ago zoomed by the planet again. Other notable flybys included ...
The 'starwalk. space' has reported that Comet C/2023 A3 could be exceptionally bright and even outshine C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE), which was spotted in the summer of 2020. Space observers are very ...
Comet leaders are looking to take another route. Plans to turn the site into a new hub began in 2020. It was meant to reduce the number of buses coming through the heart of downtown Columbia.
After years of engineering issues and infighting, the COMET will scrap its 'superstop' plan as it seeks solutions to reducing ...
A yearslong effort that involved at least $1.7 million in taxpayer money to build a COMET bus transfer hub will likely be ...