“Not all shareholders full appreciated what we have bought,” said Paladin’s CEO Ian Purdy in reference to the uranium miner’s C$1.1bn all-share takeover of Fission Uranium Corp. The transaction, first ...
The whole 'fission' process can thus be described in an essentially classical way, without having to consider quantum-mechanical 'tunnel effects', which would actually be extremely small ...
Squamate reptile chromosome 2 (SR2) is thought to be an important remnant of an ancestral amniote super-sex chromosome, but a recent study showed that the Siamese cobra W sex chromosome is also a part ...
This is an important study examining the role of conserved PCH-2 protein at different stages of C. elegans meiosis. The authors use elegant molecular genetic approaches to provide convincing evidence ...
The small GTPase Ran regulates the interaction of transport receptors with a number of cellular cargo proteins. The high affinity binding of the GTP-bound form of Ran to import receptors promotes ...
The last few years have provided us with a new level of understanding of how chromosomes are replicated, segregated and read - and how their 3D organisation influences expression of individual genes ...