In the wake of Infinite Crisis, DC Comics decided to jump ahead an entire year for many of its series as part of its “One ...
Comic fans are spoiled with choice when it comes to modern Batman books. Some of the best Batman comics in the last few decades, from "Court of Owls" to "Joker War" and miniseries like White Knight.
James Gunn's net worth has steadily risen since he ventured into the mainstream with his Marvel films and as the co-CEO of DC ...
Superman is a character with over 85 years worth of history ... but the scale of the feats he's performed in DC Comics are truly impressive. Thankfully, there is something for every kind of ...
Now, there's more story behind this. The studio behind the film Republic Pictures was originally working with DC, or National Comics Publications at the time, to make a "Superman" picture ...
Aquaman #1 by Jeremy Adams and John Timms is now in the very centre of the DC Universe (Spoilers) Aquaman #1 by Jeremy Adams ...
The DC comic book universe is a massive space of fiction that features some of history's most famous and magnificent comic book characters. With greats like Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman ...
During its initial run, Gen 13 was not just a best-seller and fairly well-reviewed, but it also was seen as pushing the envelope, prominently featuring Rainmaker as one of mainstream comics ...