If you’re a dog mom or dad, then you know the pain of standing outside in the rain, or the freezing cold, or at 2 am waiting for your pup to conduct their very important outside business. It’s ...
An animal lover has launched his own business doing the job that everyone hates to do - picking up dog poop from gardens. Ben Hughes, 39, has set up a service called "Pidge's Poop Scoop," charging ...
You own a dog; you are going to have to pick ... but will likely hire staff soon. In addition to scooping up dog poop, Holden offers a treatment to eliminate the odor of dog urine in the yard.
That’s right—your dog’s poop might be their version of a “Keep ... little extra cover or wait until they’re back in their own yard to feel truly secure. Location, location, location ...
Spread the word about your pooper-scooper service by advertising in local newspapers, pinning fliers to bulletin boards, and through dog-related businesses and clubs in the community. Most ...
So when we saw this “aerial dog poop removal system” show up in the ... servo-laden “sky scoop” or something similar, the drone has a bell-shaped container on its belly with a series ...