In the opening sequence of Matt Wolf’s HBO documentary series “Pee-wee as Himself,” the late artist and performer Paul ...
The Office US, created by Greg Daniels, is a popular sitcom that has become a staple show for many fans, who re-watch it religiously every now and then. (okay, more now than then!)One of the funniest ...
Quite a few of the best SNL Digital Shorts also count as some of the best Lonely Island music videos, such as “Threw It On ...
Quite a few of the best SNL Digital Shorts also count as ... member Rainn Wilson playing a corporate leader years before Dwight Schrute became Dunder-Mifflin's Scranton Manager in Season 9.
Probably one of the best moments of The Office is seeing Dwight dresses up as the fictional ... has to do with his brother Jeb abandoning the Schrute family for Christmas in recent years?).
During Shreveport's heyday as Hollywood South, one of the cast members from "The Office" filmed a movie in Shreveport.
Did you know that the actor who played Dwight Schrute in "The Office" was in Shreveport during the height of Hollywood South. The state passed a tax incentive in 2002 that aimed at recruiting film ...