Once ALDH2-deficient patients have been identified, they should be informed about their elevated risk of developing esophageal cancer risk from drinking alcohol. As can be seen from Figure 5 ...
A call for cancer warnings on labels for beer, wine, and spirits is a lesson in risk management, says Hopkins cancer expert ...
Research has shown that heavy alcohol use increases levels of the enzyme CYP2E1 in the esophagus; normally, the enzyme is metabolizing drugs. High levels of CYP2E1 increase the production of ...
The U.S. Surgeon General has issued a new advisory highlighting the potential connection between alcohol consumption and ...
Less than half of Americans in one survey said they were aware of the link between alcohol use and cancer compared to 89% for tobacco use.
New statistics show Britain has the highest cases of esophageal cancer in the entire Europe, mostly for those under 40 years ...