Today we look at famous movie lines that weren't even in the movie script! Five-time World Chess champion quits event after refusing to change out of jeans 11 Facts About McDonald's Filet-O-Fish ...
The thing is, this misquoting individual might be easily forgiven. In fact, there are some famous movie quotes that are often misquoted. Now, in the modern era of the internet — and people ...
where the stories the main character told his niece and nephew would come to life. In this movie, Sandler delivers this line, "Haven't you heard? Goofy is the new handsome," and somehow pulls off ...
We often find ourselves quoting famous lines from movies. From The Godfather’s “an offer he can’t refuse” to The Terminator’s “I’ll be back!” films have provided dozens of ...
Bob Uecker had the kind of career stat line that would be sad if it ... Baseball and movies are known for their characters — movies for the characters in them, baseball for characters who ...
These are the one-liners that made the character famous and helped launch the movie ... the backstop from Ricky "Wild Thing" Vaughn. It's a line that's been invoked over and over again in pop ...