Mark Misiura, whose home was destroyed by fire, gathers items during the annual Point-in-Time count, a census of people who ...
Many Jacksonville homeless shelters are providing cold-weather shelter for the area’s homeless population. People can begin ...
Feedback from city employees who often deal with issues was also collected. Twenty-seven of the proposed actions outlined in the plan are internal goals, such as increased patrols and homeless ...
Senate Bill 484, introduced by state Sen. Lisa Standridge, R-Norman, would prevent municipalities in all cities with a population under 300,000 from using city resources to operate homeless shelters ...
WORCESTER — City councilors unanimously backed the push for a homeless shelter for women in the city. Spearheaded by Councilor-at-Large and City Council Vice Chair Khrystian King, a resolution ...
Newly released reports from Boar’s Head plants in New Castle, Indiana; Forrest City, Arkansas; and Petersburg, Virginia, described multiple instances of meat and fat residue left on equipment ...
the Eureka city council will hear an update on the city’s homeless action plan — and consider combining two homelessness ordinances into one. City staff recently noted a pair of ordinances ...
Government inspectors documented unsanitary conditions at several Boar's Head deli meat plants, not just the factory that was shut down last year after a deadly outbreak of listeria poisoning ...
All services at A Friend’s House, the homeless shelter in Norman, will transfer from Food and Shelter, Inc., to City Care on Wednesday. As the six month contract that city council voted in takes ...