Based on the manga by Mayu Murata with twenty-five volumes available in Japanese and a live-action film as of this writing, the story follows Uka Ishimori as she navigates high school. In middle ...
If you're struggling to get your first win in Age of Darkness' survival mode, here are a few useful tips to help you on your ...
Android games are amazing, but they don't have to only be single-player experiences. Multiplayer games are great to play on the go, so here are the best ones.
After players reported how difficult it was to actually get Godzilla to spawn in their Fortnite battle royale matches, it ...
The FTC says "Genshin Impact deceived children, teens, and other players into spending hundreds of dollars on prizes they ...
Young Nudy & Pi'erre Bourne share their opinions of Tesla's Cybertruck, escargot, Atlanta water boys, producer tags, hot honey, and Paris on this edition of Over/Under.
This Week In Games! is written from idyllic Portland by Jean-Karlo Lemus. When not collaborating with Anime News Network, Jean-Karlo can be found playing JRPGs, eating popcorn, watching v-tubers, and ...
Some Fortnite players and their parents have more than $70 million going back into their wallets as part of a $245 million settlement. Here's why.
Hyper Light Breaker is odd. This is probably to be expected - the Hyper Light series up until now has been charmingly strange in a number of ways. But its strangeness tended to fit with the format.
The Fortnite Chapter 6 Weekly Quests are some of the best ways to get extra XP in-game, how do you complete the current batch?
What are Fortnite Smart Edits and should you be using them in-game? This new type of edit could really speed you up in Builds.
Angry Kirby was once an unlikely poster child for the difference between Japanese and American sensibilities. When home in Japan, Kirby’s joyful, round face was rarely seen without a welcoming smile.