Pusat Laboratorium Forensik (Puslabfor) Mabes Polri telah mengambil sampel debu dan kabel yang terbakar untuk mendalami kasus kebakaran Glodok Plaza, Jakarta Barat, yang terjadi pada Rabu (15/1/2025) ...
Perubahan iklim pada akhir Zaman Es mengubah lanskap Mammoth steppe menjadi hutan dan rawa, mengurangi habitat ideal bagi mammoth. Mammoth hidup berdampingan dengan manusia purba selama ribuan tahun, ...
Dua kantong jenazah itu tiba pukul 18:16 WIB dan langsung dimasukkan ke ruang forensik RS Polri Kramatjati. RS Polri telah menerima 19 sampel antemortem dari 14 keluarga yang melaporkan kehilangan ...
Melalui liriknya yang menyentuh, Harris J mengingatkan kita bahwa menjadi manusia berarti menerima kelemahan dan ketidaksempurnaan. Lagu ini juga menawarkan perspektif baru tentang pentingnya hidup ...
In some order, the most important people in the Washington Commanders’ out-of-nowhere, return-to-relevance, turnaround season are: Josh Harris, the owner; Adam Peters, the general manager ...
National Geographic Fellow and researcher who coined Blue Zones, Dan Buettner, has learned plenty about the longer lifespans in these areas. Credits: David McLain, Courtesy of Sam Skemp. National ...
It took a day or so, but Dan Campbell already has cycled through the stages of grief. The Detroit Lions head coach said he felt like a family member died immediately after his team lost its ...
The Detroit Lions are bracing to have two new coordinators for the 2025 NFL season. “I would expect to lose both, but I haven’t been told anything,” Campbell said at the team facility in ...
Following their 45-31 loss to the Washington Commanders in the divisional round, the Detroit Lions' season has come to an end. This means the departures of Lions' offensive and defensive ...
Warisan budaya Hindu dan Buddha di Indonesia merupakan bagian tak terpisahkan dari sejarah bangsa. Meskipun populasi penganutnya kini tergolong kecil, jejak kejayaannya masih terlihat melalui ...
Umat Islam wajib merayakan momen tersebut dengan penuh rasa syukur akan kebesaran Allah SWT. Untuk menyemarakkannya, detikers boleh banget membagikan gambar ucapan Isra Miraj secara online di media ...
ALLEN PARK, Mich. — Dan Campbell’s had a few days to process his team’s 45-31 loss to the Washington Commanders. The film told him the Lions lost as a team. He experienced several stages of ...