As online communication replaces face-to-face meetings in the workplace, the need for clarity, respect and professionalism ...
(Please send your questions to Miss Manners at her website,; to her email, [email protected]; or through postal mail to Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 ...
On one hand, I want to support her through this difficult time; on the other, I can’t condone her continued spending.
To turn a streak into a habit, you should make it easy to repeat the behavior, said Dr. Wendy Wood, who taught psychology and business at the University of Southern California and is the author of ...
Grandparents and those of their generation can be the most sweet-intentioned group of people, but some of their traits drive ...
Miss Manners is only relieved that your neighbor also had the good manners — and situational awareness — to leave after 10 minutes. She was afraid, when you mentioned the time, that your ...
Miss Manners is only relieved that your neighbor also had the good manners -- and situational awareness -- to leave after 10 minutes. She was afraid, when you mentioned the time, that your ...
But author and journalist Maureen Palmer and her partner Mike Pond believe the ways we think about problem drinking could do more harm than good. For example, is abstinence the only acceptable ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: At casual restaurants and upscale establishments alike, I am frequently served a large piece of meat perched atop a too-full bowl -- say, a large piece of grilled chicken on an ...
And these eating habits form part of who we are and who ... drinking wine and coffee and simple everyday manners. Since GMRC or Good Manners and Right Conduct is not part of the school curriculum ...
In short, Hayek’s advice to Fisher was doubly good. It should be added that Manners lived the advice Hayek gave to Fisher. As mentioned previously, he figured and figures prominently in ...