A collection of essays by the late David McCullough, including some never published before, will be released this fall.
A titan of historical scholarship, Ogot was more than Kenya’s preeminent historian; he was a teacher, a researcher and a ...
Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist, invented the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989, while working at CERN. The Web was originally conceived and developed to meet the demand for automated ...
I remember growing up on Hydra every summer in the 1980s, leaving Salt Lake City, Utah to go to our home on my father’s ...
Herodotus, the father of history, chronicled the cultures and customs of the ancient world. Including one of the giant gold-digging ants of India! Making us wonder... is this history, Myth or BOTH?
Historical sources provide valuable insights into the perception of longevity in antiquity. Herodotus, often regarded as the “Father of History,” described the customs and lives of various cultures.
DR. McKIE has put together the already known chief data of Lavoisier's life and researches, and has duly taken advantage of the recent additions to our understanding which are due to the late Dr. A.
If he is occasionally impatient with the ‘scientific’ variant of history that grew up in the new-found intellectual ... focusing on the founding historians of Greece and Rome, Herodotus, Thucydides, ...
The Supreme Court of India ruled that in cases where a marriage subsists and spouses have access to each other, the husband remains the legal father of a child born to his wife, even if he is not ...