We are well into the flu season, and people have different strategies for preventing or treating viral infections. Of course, ...
Meanwhile, patients will continue to be "had." When rigorous scientific trials on laetrile, vitamin C, hydrazine sulfate, chelation therapy, chiropractic, and homeopathy proved them worthless, did the ...
"The treatment includes an intravenous drip of vitamins, with massive doses of vitamin C, minerals and other compounds, daily injections of a substance called laetrile (vitamin B17) and pancreatic ...
In the series of posts entitled WHAT HAPPENED NEXT, I pick up themes that I addressed more than a decade ago with the intention of finding out whether things have moved on or not. Today, allow me to ...
The apricot seed has an extremely high content of vitamin B17 known as Laetrile. These bitter-tasting seeds can be chopped up, ground and swallowed with a teaspoon of honey. The inner seed can be ...
The execs at Haleon, a huge multinational consumer products company, ought to take a good look in the mirror. That is, unless misleading, sleazy marketing is in their mission statement. In that case, ...
"An instructive past, and future plans." Hopefully, this is the first of many, if not regular articles to appear in this section of the Marietta Daily Journal; authored by our members of the ...