along with Jurassic World sequel Fallen Kingdom, have all been added to Netflix in the UK and Ireland. The Jurassic franchise kicked off in 1993 with Jurassic Park, which went on to spawn sequels The ...
A hidden epilogue in the Jurassic World series honors a forgotten Jurassic Park III legacy character and hints at his fate after the credits rolled.
The tragedy of all the lives lost at Jurassic World could have been PREVENTED! That's right! If they had followed the real world rules of Zoos and Theme Parks, we could be going to see some IRL dinos ...
Steven Spielberg, the iconic filmmaker behind pictures such as Raiders of the Lost Ark and Jurassic Park, has picked five of his favourite films.
Jurassic Park fans still have one big unanswered question that the franchise has never addressed. Directed by Steven Spielberg and based upon Michael Crichton’s 1990 best-selling novel, Jurassic Park ...
The Myakka Canopy Walkway and Observation Tower in Sarasota, Florida, offers breathtaking views and an unforgettable ...
Nichols Arboretum, affectionately known as “The Arb” to locals, is like Central Park’s chill Midwestern cousin. This 123-acre ...
It might be difficult for some die-hard football fans to understand, but some people watch the Big Game only for the ...
Russell Crowe once made a bizarre drunken purchase from Leonardo DiCaprio was a dinosaur skull, which he bought on a whim for his son's playroom.
Jeff Goldblum and Julianne Moore star in this high-stakes adventure. Two teams with very different missions descend on a new island of dinosaurs... what could possibly go wrong?!