The four-minute sketch, which aired during the show’s Dec. 21 episode, relentlessly skewered the Charles Schulz animated classic while making several adults-only jokes.
But alongside new seasons of established series, a new slate of shows will also enter the fray, battling for your attention and a spot in your queue. To that end, our writers are here to help with a ...
Gomez grew up speaking Spanish, but eventually lost her fluency. She spent months relearning the language for her latest role as the wife of a Mexican cartel boss. Originally broadcast Nov. 19, 2024.
The biggest names in comedy, country, pop, rock, and R&B set to visit the greater Tampa Bay area, including Sarasota, now through March.
A new wave of bite-sized, vertical-format dramas is capturing the attention of audiences around the globe, transforming the ...
An Oscar-nominated writer and filmmaker known for classic comedies like "Private Benjamin," "Baby Boom" and "Father of the Bride," Charles Shyer has died.