Preamble: The Preamble of the Indian Constitution emphasizes securing social, economic, and political justice to ensure equality for all citizens. This aligns with Rawls' theory, which aims to ...
It also weaves together my interests in science, ethics, and policy, since answering questions about what we owe particular nonhumans requires examining more than moral theory; it also requires ...
Discover the ethical foundation of Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen's economics through his profound philosophy and moral praxis.
Two popular moral theories today are "Utilitarianism" and "Deontology." Utilitarianism assumes that intention or consequences can justify any act. If it works best for the majority, then do it ...
Psychologists warn that AI's perceived lack of human experience and genuine understanding may limit its acceptance to make ...
New research questions whether babies have an inborn moral sense. Infants did not consistently prefer moral individuals.
Attitudes about climate change and carbon footprints show strong regional patterning. Farzan Karimi-Malekabadi and colleagues investigated the role of moral values in these geographic patterns. Their ...
Psychologists warn that AI's perceived lack of human experience and genuine understanding may limit its acceptance to make higher-stakes moral decisions.
Psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg had the same questions, leading him to develop a theory of moral development that focuses on how children develop morality and ethical reasoning. This theory ...
The hidden ethical costs of workaholism have been highlighted in a recent study led by Aston University and University of ...
Moral development has been the topic of philosophical and psychological debate for centuries. Psychologist Carol Gilligan's theory of moral development challenged traditional viewpoints.