Bradford B. Worrall, MD, a University of Virginia professor of neurology and public health, says many stroke survivors develop spasticity.
Spasticity is a symptom of conditions, like multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, stroke, and traumatic injury to the brain or spinal cord. It can look like a tightly folded arm with a flexed wrist ...
Many people with MS have problems with spasticity (muscle stiffness), a condition that typically affects the lower limbs more than the arms. Spasticity can occur either as a sustained stiffness caused ...
including conditions that are congenital (e.g., cerebral palsy), acquired (traumatic brain injury), static (stroke), and progressive (multiple sclerosis). Spasticity results in involuntary ...
As it turns out, cannabis has been found to be beneficial in relieving muscle spasticity in people with multiple sclerosis.
A systematic review recently presented at the Consortium of MS Centers in Tennessee has concluded that cannabinoids may have "modest effects in multiple sclerosis for pain or spasticity ...
It may help reduce muscle contractions and spasms, easing spasticity and bladder issues. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic neurodegenerative autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous ...
MS is associated with symptoms and comorbidities including mobility, gait, spasticity, dexterity and cognition. Unfortunately, the tools available to assess patients are subjective, qualitative ...
Three medications have spasticity reduction as their primary ... A progressive disease such as multiple sclerosis might be better managed using an intervention that can escalate as the disease ...