What better way to end than with some examples of said beauty and utility? After all that reading, we'll leave you with a few glamour shots of our favorite nebula: Messier 16, better known as the ...
The Helix Nebula is an example of a planetary nebula. Though it looks like a bubble or eye from Earth’s point of view, the Helix is actually a trillion-mile-long tunnel of glowing gases. In its center ...
How do images taken by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) appear so colorful, and where do the colors come from?
This towering structure in the Eagle Nebula is a 9.5 light-year-high column of gas and dust from a stellar nursery. This image shows N90, where bright young stars carve a cavity, with distant galaxies ...
NASA captured this stunning image of Messier 75 or M75, also known as NGC 6864, which is a giant globular cluster of stars in the southern constellation Sagittarius.
An international team of scientists has produced the clearest three-dimensional view yet of the Ring Nebula—one of the night ...
I’ve lost count of the number of times I have seen the Ring Nebula. It’s a favourite amongst stargazers around the globe and ...
RIT Professor Joel Kastner leads a research team that determines the true three-dimensional structure of the iconic Ring ...
The Orion Nebula, the closest massive star-forming region to Earth, has long captivated stargazers with its brilliant glow ...
This nebula, officially known as Hen 2-104, is located several thousand light-years from Earth in the southern hemisphere ...