In April 2023, unexpected news shocked the world: actor Jamie Foxx was admitted to the ICU in serious condition, due to a ...
Jamie Foxx shared another video with his fans on Instagram that features the talented star singing and playing the piano.
Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx reminisced about their 25-year friendship in a fun video for Netflix to promote their upcoming ...
His stand-up sometimes felt less like a comedy special and more like a traditional Southern testimony service.
Netflix dropped a video on Instagram promoting its new film with Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz, "Back in Action" on Friday.
Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz tease their upcoming film, "Back in Action," and reminisce about their friendship with a fun song ...
In April 2023 the actor and comic Jamie Foxx had a stroke and was lucky to survive. In his latest Netflix Special, What Had ...
People don’t even realize how long we’ve been friends,” Foxx pointed out while playing a grand piano as Diaz sat down beside ...
Cameron Diaz and Jamie Foxx are teasing their upcoming movie, "Back in Action," which lands Jan. 17 on Netflix.
Jamie Foxx is not taking his safety lightly. He is looking to press charges against the Jackass staffer who allegedly threw a ...
Jamie Foxx addresses the social media rumors about his mysterious illness in his new Netflix special, What Had Happened Was.