I dream about my father a lot, but only as his body boogies beyond the vignettes of flames. There he is, in the backyard behind the house I grew up in, dancing near a fire pit under the cover of a ...
Not available in USHMM Library collection as of September 2008. No catalog entry yet exists for this work in OCLC WorldCat as of September 2008. May be available for purchase from author: Leonid ...
Lists of Jews with higher education. List indicates profession, and age. The educated Jews are of the following profession: lawyers, engineers, architects, dentists, and accountants.
Aceasta nu ar fi fost ceva neobisnuit, daca el nu ar fi fost evreu si nu ar fi luptat alaturi de alti 300 de evrei pentru Hitler, in cel de-Al Doilea Razboi Mondial. In septembrie 1941, un ofiter ...
Se presupune ca in aici ar fi pierit aproape 400.000 de evrei. Ce e mai rau: sa mori in camerele de gazare de la Auschwitz sau sa mori de foame in Transnistria? La acesta intrebare nu poti da un ...