A young lady who is a top student and excellent athlete is this week’s outstanding youth. Morgan Perkins is a senior at Scottsboro High School.
Fraternity brothers from Gamma Sigma Phi biked from Abilene Christian University in Texas to Pepperdine. The group has ...
A student manager for the Wichita State men’s basketball team carries a wide range of responsibilities, from setting up ...
The Friends of the Oswego Public Library and the Oswego Bookmobile invite the community to a morning of food and fellowship at the Pancake Breakfast fundraiser on Sunday, April 6. The annual event ...
The New Bern chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, in collaboration with the New Bern chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, is hosting the "March for Babies" walk- ...
Afeni smiled proudly as she witnessed her son’s emotional intelligence blossom.  She knew she had laid a firm foundation for the man he was becoming and was ...
The hazing death of 20-year-old Southern student Caleb Wilson has sparked conversations about the reality of hazing.
SU's Student Association funded the Theta Xi chapter of the Phi Beta Sigma fraternity’s Evening of Black Expressions.
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KJCT) - Jared Taylor’s upcoming visit to Colorado Mesa University (CMU) has sparked a petition online.
Zeta Rho chapter of Beta Sigma Phi held their monthly meeting in the home of Pat Angeley on Tuesday, March 11.
Among the many clubs and organizations at Willamette University, students might be interested in Greek life, communities that are divided into fraternities and sororities. Greek life organizations aim ...
As the distingusihed Gamma Xi Boulé organization continues its 30th anniversary celebration, leaders urge Black men to center ...