Mizuki, who has been assigned to a new high school along with her younger sister, has encountered numerous strange phenomena since their arrival. What could be the cause? The veteran teachers, who ...
Almost seven decades after Sadako's passing, he has a new project underway. The Sasakis were among many children caught in the atomic bomb. Sadako was aged two, and Masahiro, four. Masahiro ...
Yuji Sasaki, 50, Sadako’s nephew who lives in Tokyo’s Nakano Ward, is producing a documentary film detailing her story. Under the plan, the film, tentatively titled “Orizuru no Kiseki ...
“They (the reproduced cranes) will never fall into decay,” Masahiro Sasaki, 80, Sadako’s elder brother, said at a news conference in Hiroshima on Aug. 4, the day the full-sized stainless ...