Directed by Sean Baker (The Florida Project), Anora stars Mikey Madison (Scream) as Ani, a young sex worker whose life is turned upside down when she marries billionaire heir Vanya (Mark Eydelshteyn).
"His performances had that sensitivity, a lot of that emotion going on behind his outer shell." Borisov earned a BAFTA ...
Why Sean Baker’s “The Florida Project” Put Him At A Creative Crossroads The director's follow-up to his breakthrough film "Tangerine" led to a bigger budget and his first A-list star in ...
“It’s really about respect — respect for their businesses. It’s their livelihood. You can’t just go in there; it’s not your place,” Baker told the audience. “Our approach was usually bonding with them ...
Sean Baker continues to soar as an American filmmaker. In terms of character, pacing, and story, Anora might be his best film. His filmography has steadily ...
Sean Baker knew he wanted the Russian actor Yura ... use of “fresh faces” in films like “Tangerine,” “Florida Project” and “Red Rocket.” Baker knew the film would be “setting ...