It isn’t clear how much the East Precinct  has stepped up anti-drug dealing activities around Broadway and Cal Anderson Park or if Seattle Police Department is just putting more focus on the ...
Benton County Prosecuting Attorney Eric Eisinger said Clasen refused to perform sobriety tests and also refused voluntary ...
TPD says on February 19, the Seattle Police Department (SPD) took a 17-year-old male into custody related to the case. He was ...
The BriefA $100,000 bell was found in a Seattle neighborhood on the street.It was reportedly stolen from a cemetery just days ...
The Liberty Bell replica, extremely heavy and made of copper, is one of 20 in the world, according to the Seattle Police ...
A Seattle Police Department parking enforcement officer helped recover a stolen replica Liberty Bell that is believed to be ...
A 32-year-old man was arrested last Friday in Capitol Hill for allegedly dealing drugs. The Seattle Police Department (SPD) ...
An iconic replica of the Liberty Bell has been stolen from Seattle’s Evergreen Washelli Cemetery. The bell is worth more than ...