At what time is Sunrise in Kabul today? When is next Sunset in Kabul? Given below is the time remaining for the next sunrise or sunset in Kabul Next Sunrise in Kabul is at 07:03 AM Sunday (14Hrs 43 ...
Sunrise Sunset Time Calculator to find the exact Sunrise time and Sunset time in any place or city around the world. Citywise sunset Calendar and Sunrise calendar. What is today's Sunset Time in a ...
Afghanistan's Taliban government took over management of Kabul's famed Serena hotel on Saturday, a hotel statement said, a ...
Visit one of the Harbour City’s east-facing beaches on a cloudless weekday morning, and you’ll quickly understand why Sydneysiders are so enchanted by the sunrise. It’s hard to have a bad ...
ISLAMABAD - Gunshots fired by a member of the Taliban's security forces at the United Nations' largest compound killed one person and injured another in Kabul, the United Nations Assistance ...
At least one person was killed in a firing incident outside a United Nations compound in Afghanistan’s capital city of Kabul over the weekend. The victim was a Taliban guard, the United Nations ...
A Taliban fighter opened fire at the United Nations compound in Kabul, slightly injuring a security guard, and was later found dead, the U.N. mission in Afghanistan said Monday. The gunman shot at ...
It operates three other hotels in Afghanistan, two in Kabul and one in the eastern city of Nangarhar. Tourism official Mohammad Saeed told The Associated Press last year that he wanted Afghanistan ...
NEW DELHI, Feb 3 (Reuters) - A firing incident at a United Nations compound in Kabul has killed one person and injured another, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA ...
Just before the Taliban takeover, India was among the countries whose diplomats abandoned their missions and unceremoniously evacuated from Kabul airport. Though it restored certain lower ...